Real facts about workplace
FACTS ABOUT THE WORKPLACE. 1. Your boss is not your friend. Regardless of how close you both are, learn to set PROFESSIONAL boundaries. 2. Walls have ears. Be careful who you confide in at work. A listening ear could also be a flippant mouth. 3. Your employer is now concerned about RESULTS. How you get the JOB done is up to you. No excuses. 4. There is always that one person/ group of persons feeding the boss with happenings in the office. Some employees brief go beyond the official ( except in work cultures where such act is expressly frowned upon). Be guided. 5. When you get withdrawn from PROJECTS or someone is asked to understudy you or you get demoted without cogent reason(s), that may be a cue you'd soon be shown the exit door. 6. As much as you can, keep your private life away from COLLEAGUES. You might be under INVESTIGATION for achieving some personal great feat without you even knowing. 7. Somebody your colleagues may not even like you, it could be the way you LOOK, DRES...